Art works, 2014-17
(mixed materials, various dimensions)
Art works, 2014-17
(mixed materials, various dimensions)
Art works, 2014-17
(mixed materials, various dimensions)
Art works, 2014-17
(mixed materials, various dimensions)
Art works, 2014-17
(mixed materials, various dimensions)
Top Trumps Ufo, 2019
Board game, video tutorial.
Top Trumps Ufo is a competitive card game between two or more players.
Each card contains a list of numerical data, and the aim of the game is to compare these values to try to trump and win an opponent’s card.
The drawings that have been used are from different people trying to describe UFO sightings on earth.
What happens to information sharing when the subject matter is controversial or fictional?
According to historian Yuval Noah Harari, society itself is a set of imaginary systems that we have collectively accepted in order to survive and cooperate as a species.
What ultimately defines this convention, and why couldn’t an idea of the unknown be completely subversive, not actually demonstrated, and yet discussed, exchanged, and shared?
The game manages with humor our expectation or potential threat to the idea of aliens visiting earth.
The logic of the game mechanism is no different from the conventions we make at the economic or political level when the structure of systems is based on the credibility and acceptance of particular narratives, even if they are mythological or misleading to the whole.